spring clean social media

Spring cleaning your social media

It’s Spring time – and to us that means more than just Easter bunnies and April Fool’s jokes! With Spring comes a shift in the hour, the chirping of birds, and an army of women and men dusting off carpets, clearing out cupboards, and revelling in the joys of Spring cleaning. Here at Switch Digital we’re much the same – except our Spring Cleaning doesn’t involve dust pans or furniture polish – we do things digitally. Here are our golden rules for Spring cleaning your social media to keep at the top of the game!

1. Be eye-catching

Perhaps one of the easiest ways to refresh your company page is through the use of some new images. Go through your website and change round some of your featured images so as to give the posts a new appearance, making them more appealing to visitors. Don’t be afraid to recycle posts and share them on social media (a perfect way to keep an active social media account if you’re low on new posts).

2. Take a look back

April brings the end of Q2 – the perfect chance to assess your work so far. Did you stick to your goals? Perhaps you need to try something new or make small changes. You can only plan for the future if you look back at previous work and evaluate what worked and what didn’t.

3. Spring time SEO

Go through your website’s SEO – are the keywords you used still relevant? Perhaps some of your posts introduce a different angle. It’s important to make sure that your SEO is an accurate representative of your work. It may be time consuming to ensure that all your pages have good SEO but it will help boost your page to the top of Google – bringing in more business!

4. Unfollow people

We’d normally tell you to engage with your audience and follow people – but let’s be honest, sometimes you need to remove a couple of people from your lists. Perhaps they’re inactive, or maybe you just want to make sure that the people you’re following are important to your company. Either way your feed will benefit from a spring clean – and so will your follower to following ratio!
Cleaning tools

5. Who are you?

Go through your social media accounts and check the ‘about’ section – does this accurately represent your company? Perhaps you’ve taken a new tone of voice or a new direction. Let your ‘about’ section represent your company’s branding. Also, make sure that the ‘about’ is universal throughout all of your social media accounts so that you’re presenting the same message throughout.

6. So social

Speaking about social media accounts – go through your social media accounts ensuring that they’re all giving off the same message. Check your social media strategy (or come up with one!) in order to ensure that all accounts are getting the same amount of love- there’s nothing worse than a neglected account!

7. Protect your passwords

That’s right – it’s important to update your passwords regularly. Try to change them at least every 3 months even though it’s very tedious- better safe than sorry after all.

8. Explore new options

Don’t be afraid to delve into new social media channels. Take a look at what’s hot and evaluate whether these are relevant to your company – and more importantly, your audience. Maybe try Pinterest or Instagram just to start off with.
Social media in mind

9. Social sharer

Is your site social sharing friendly? Take a look through your posts and see whether you’ve made it easy for people to share your posts. Are social media buttons easy to find or do people have to search the whole page just to find your Twitter handle?

10. Your milestones

A lot can happen in a year – especially if you’ve worked hard. Do you have any milestones you’d like to share on social media – what have you achieved and how can that improve your business? Go ahead, show off!
Obviously there’s always going to be a lot that you can do in order to improve your online presence and your digital marketing skills, but these are a few of the basics that you should have covered in order to ensure success. If you’d like to do more and want some help why not drop us a line or subscribe to our newsletter? 

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